Portrush : Two Males Seen Checking Car Door Handles

community Mar 03, 2025

Police received a report of two males acting suspiciously in the Primrose Park area of Portrush in the early hours of Sunday, 2nd March.

It was reported that the males were checking door handles of cars parked in the area at around 3.45am on Sunday morning.

A PSNI statement said, "One car was entered, but nothing is believed to have been taken at this time. One of the males was dressed in dark clothing and was wearing a baseball cap and the other wore a light coloured coat with dark trousers.

"If you noticed any suspicious activity or captured dash-cam or CCTV footage from the area which could assist with police enquiries, please contact officers in Coleraine on 101, quoting reference number 390 02/03/25."

A report can be submitted online using the non-emergency reporting form here or you can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at http://crimestoppers-uk.org/

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