Celebrate the richness of Irish Culture at Flowerfield Arts Centre in March

community Feb 24, 2025

This March, Flowerfield Arts Centre invites you to experience the richness of Irish culture with two exciting events.

The events celebrate Irish creativity, fostering shared cultural experiences and supporting the Together: Building a United Community (T:BUC) strategy.

On Friday 7th March, a sold-out evening of extraordinary music will showcase three of Ireland’s most exciting emerging new talents. (Waiting list available).

MÚLÚ, a multi-instrumentalist from Castlewellan with deep roots in Irish traditional music. She is a member of Afro Celt Sound System and has also been recording and performing with the tradtronica band HUARTAN alongside her solo work. 

Paddy Mckeown is a musician, composer, and visual artist from Belfast and Country Antrim based composer, harpist and pianist Gráinne Meyer. Grainne draws from a background in both traditional Irish and concert harp to create unique sounds and melodies.

This concert will bring together diverse musical influences and celebrate not only Irish heritage, but will also champion innovation in the arts providing a space for connection, conversation, and reflection through music.

Foscadh: Irish Language Film

On Thursday 13th March, Flowerfield Arts Centre is delighted to host a screening of Foscadh, an Irish language film based on Dónal Ryan's acclaimed novel The Thing About December.

This film tells the poignant story of John Cuniffe, a sheltered young man who faces life's harsh realities after his parents’ death and offers an evocative glimpse into Irish storytelling through cinema. With breathtaking shots of the Connemara landscape, Foscadh is as much about isolation and introspection as it is about belonging and community.

Directed by Seán Breathnach, who will introduce this special screening, this event delves into the power of the Irish language in film, offering a reflective space for exploring themes of connection and disconnection. This screening will have English subtitles.

These activities have received financial support from The Executive Office through Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council’s Good Relations Programme.

Both events are free but booking is essential. Bookings can be made online at Flowerfield.org or by calling Reception on 028 7083 1400.

The Northern Lights Sessions with Múlú, Gráinne Meyer & Paddy McKeown is now sold out but please contact Reception to be added to the Waiting List.

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