Causeway Coast and Glens PEACEPLUS LOCAL Action Plan launches with £6.1million in funding secured enabling 23 projects
Feb 24, 2025
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and the Causeway Coast and Glens PEACEPLUS Partnership have launched the Borough’s Co-designed Local Community PEACEPLUS LOCAL Action Plan, with £6.1m in funding secured to deliver peacebuilding projects.
The action plan represents the culmination of an extensive ‘co-design’ process which saw Council Officials and Elected Members work with, listen to and empower local communities. The Causeway Coast and Glens Local Action Plan is a project supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) with support from The Executive Office and the Department of Rural and Community Development.
The funding will enable the delivery of 23 projects across Causeway Coast and Glens on the PEACEPLUS themes of Community Regeneration and Transformation, Thriving and Peaceful Communities, and Celebrating Cultural Diversity.
Minister for Rural and Community Development and the Gaeltacht, Dara Calleary TD, commented: “I would like to congratulate everyone who contributed in any way to the development of the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council PEACEPLUS Co-Designed Local Action Plan, which recently secured funding of over €6.777 million under the European Union’s PEACEPLUS programme.
“I commend Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and the PEACEPLUS Partnership for supervising the creation and implementation of this Action Plan. I have no doubt that the 23 regional community relations initiatives that this plan supports will lead to continued, meaningful interactions with people of various social, cultural, and political backgrounds.
“I am thrilled that my Department of Rural and Community Development and the Gaeltacht, working with the Special EU Programmes Body and the Executive Office in Northern Ireland, will be providing funding and support for this fantastic Action Plan. In the long run, the area will benefit from its successful implementation.”
Chief Executive of SEUPB Gina McIntyre said: “I wish to congratulate Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and all of those who took part in the consultation process on their Co-Designed Local Community PEACEPLUS Action Plan which will have a transformative impact by addressing specific needs throughout the area.
“All local authorities within Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland have been allocated a PEACEPLUS budget to undertake a programme of local investment to address local challenges within their areas, working in conjunction with residents and organisations.
“This approach ensures plans are targeted at local level, addressing a range of issues including regeneration, promoting positive relations, and championing diversity.”
Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Ciarán McQuillan who welcomed everyone to the launch event said: “The projects to be delivered under the Causeway Coast and Glens action plan include a Women’s Development Programme, an Olders Peoples Programme, a Youth Engagement Programme, Employability & Skills Programmes, as well as Nature, Environment, Refugees, LGBTQIA+, Social Prescribing, and Preserving History programmes.
“All of these have been designed to develop resilient communities, and I was delighted to participate in the launch event and meet both partner organisations and community representatives who will be involved with these.”
The Mayor added: “This ambitious action plan, will provide vital investment in social, economic and environmental areas of Causeway Coast and Glens and will support peace, stability, and sustainable prosperity into the future.
“This plan is the result of an extensive co-design process, a unique approach whereby all parties to the design process are treated as equal collaborators, and the fruits of this inclusive and participatory process are clear to see in this extremely well-thought-out plan.
“The Local Action Plan has something for everyone including five Capital Projects that will revitalise the built and natural environment and improve connectivity for communities. Thank you to everyone who came along to the launch event, and I look forward to seeing each project as it develops.”
The Capital Projects include:
Mountsandel in Coleraine:
Through sensitive works the earliest known site for civilisation on the island of Ireland, pathways and signage will be regenerated and transformed.
Benbradagh, the Gateway to The Sperrins:
The project will work alongside the local community to improve accessibility.
The Girona Project Portballintrae:
Will enable local beneficiaries to understand, examine and reflect on our rich local heritage.
The Layd & Ronán’s Path, between Cushendall and Cushendun:
Will be regenerated and improved, involving participants in a rich cultural and heritage project to promote positive wellbeing and social connections.
The Renewal of the Boardwalk at Altnahinch Dam, rural North Antrim:
Will develop a range of opportunities and activities so that legacy will be derived from the Dam Walk. Health and wellbeing programmes, educational, environmental and angling programmes will allow close by communities to come together and enjoy the natural outdoors.
The Chair of Causeway Coast and Glens PEACEPLUS Partnership, Cllr Phillip Anderson said: “Communities throughout our Borough have accrued significant benefits from both the PEACE and INTERREG programmes down through the years, and the new PEACEPLUS Programme will continue the important work of promoting social inclusion, tackling conflict-based inequality, and encouraging peacebuilding.”
“The depth and quality of projects contained therein, is tribute to the extraordinary work undertaken by all in the PEACEPLUS Partnership, along with Elected Members and Officers of our Council, statutory organisations and community and voluntary organisations whose commitment to strengthening the ties that bind us is second to none.”
By the conclusion of this Programme 6,777 people will have been engaged directly in Peace & Reconciliation activities, with many thousands more enjoying the benefits of the work that is just starting. Through this local Action Plan the local community will be regenerated and transformed in ways which will help create a more peaceful and prosperous community.
The funding for this action plan was secured by Council under a dedicated PEACEPLUS investment area, local community groups will now have opportunities to tender for contracts to deliver on these actions.
For more information on the PEACPLUS Local Authority Action Plan, and details of how to submit tenders for contracts to deliver on the actions therein visit:
The Causeway Coast and Glens Local Action Plan is a project supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).
All local authorities within Northern Ireland and the border counties have received PEACEPLUS funding, with each council being challenged to design a programme of local investment, aimed at addressing specific local challenges, in collaboration with residents and organisations within their area.
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