Coleraine Landlord Fined For Unlawful Eviction
Feb 13, 2025
A private landlord in Coleraine has pleaded guilty to unlawfully evicting tenants from a privately rented property after changing the locks to bar their re-entry.
The case, heard at Coleraine Magistrates’ Court on Friday 7 February 2025, saw the defendant accept responsibility under Article 54(1) of The Rent (NI) Order 1978, as amended by Article 60 of The Private Tenancies (NI) Order 2006.
The court imposed a fine of £350 and ordered the landlord to pay costs of £201, in addition to an offender levy of £15.
Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Ciarán McQuillan, said:
"This case demonstrates Council’s commitment to upholding the legal rights of tenants living in private rented accommodation. No one should be forced out of their home through illegal means, and this prosecution highlights the vital role our Environmental Health team plays in enforcing housing laws. It reinforces that landlords must follow due process when ending a tenancy, and failure to do so will not be tolerated."
Council officials added that the Environmental Health Department is readily available to offer advice and guidance to both tenants and landlords regarding private tenancy laws.
This information comes from a press release issued by the local council.
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